Only Babyboom offers a 360° cross-media approach to the consumer. Each of our communication media addresses a specific advertiser goal and related consumer issue. Whether you are looking to build brand awareness, test products or boost your database, there is always a Babyboom medium to satisfy your needs.
At the most opportune moment, we distribute your product, sample, brochure or discount coupons in one of our Babyboom gift packages or by way of a dedicated sampling process. At each key moment, we ensure your product is personally delivered to parents by an early childhood professional.
Babyboom has a high-quality network of framed boards displayed in strategic locations: gynaecologists, paediatricians, day care centres, maternity wards, ...etc. These boards, called Infoboards, emphasize a specific topic and are always accompanied by an advertising campaign related to a chosen topic.
Our representatives regularly visit day care centres, paediatricians, gynaecologists or maternity wards to present new products in the early childhood sector. There is a long-standing relationship of trust between Babyboom and early childhood professionals who always want to hear about the latest innovations.
The Babyboom database allows you to reach parents with your message at the exact moment you want it. With opt-in registrations of nearly 65%, these parents are eagerly awaiting an attractive offer. Based on your choice, e-mail and postal databases are available for rent.
Babyboom guides are a source of important information for parents. Gynaecologists, paediatricians, maternity wards, pharmacies, Babyboom guides are always handed out in person by an industry professional and contain up-to-date feature stories and advertising pages.
Approximately every two weeks, parents receive Babyboom newsletters which keep them informed on the stages of pregnancy and health topics about young babies and parents. The vast majority of parents expressed their wish to receive as well, dedicated or promotional newsletters from our advertisers and partners.
Une très grande majorité d’entre eux expriment le souhait de recevoir également les newsletters dédiées ou promotionnelles de nos annonceurs et partenaires.
The concept? To offer the best products for mother and baby up to 3 years. Products for pregnancy, breastfeeding, bottles, teats, baby milks, meals... We select them and deliver them to your home!
Discover also Bayboom+: the subscription that allows you to benefit from all the products of the shop at very advantageous prices
Preparing for the most beautiful day of your life, the birth of your little wonder?
Please contact us.
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