N2COM collabore depuis plus de 35 ans avec les plus grandes sociétés du monde de la petite enfance et communique auprès des futurs et jeunes parents sous sa marque Babyboom et auprès des personnes soucieuses d’améliorer leur alimentation avec son média Dieteo. Sampling, Edition, Database, B2B, Internet, Salon … N2COM offre une approche 360° du consommateur
From pregnancy to the early years of a baby's life, Babyboom is an industry leader in communicating with new families who are constantly in search of information and better products for themselves and their babies. Babyboom media and its advertisers bring them the best answers.
Seriously taking control of one’s diet and weight is not easy. Dieteo tools and media make it possible for concerned consumers to answer their questions and better understand the products that can help them achieve their goals.
Preparing for the most beautiful day of your life, the birth of your little wonder?
Please contact us.
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